Hi, I’m Sabelle.

If my friends were asked to sum me up in two words they’d choose: oddly specific.

I watch Chinese, Japanese, and Korean movies…without subtitles.

Talking over texting any day- I average 12 phone calls daily. Call me, beep me :)

This is the penny candy of activities I buy with my spare-change time.

  • My favorite place is my grandparents’ kitchen on a lazy Saturday afternoon, or Tuesday, it doesn’t really matter- days are the same here.  The routines are the same, the light is the same, the inhabitants, the same.  I’m surrounded by colored glass, plants, sunbeams, the flowers I brought for her when I stepped through the door, the teapot on the stove, my grandmother nestled in the very center.  It’s warm, inviting, we’re always ready to make a hot meal for anyone who wanders into our square of forest.  I’m typing, she reads, our silence more soft than conversation.

  • I am bad at pole dancing. I am clumsy, stilted, and terrified; my palms sweat uncontrollably during class, which does not help my general lack of skill. And it is the best part of my Wednesdays. Current enjoyment does not need to wait for future proficiency.

  • Someone had to figure out which mushrooms were poisonous. Maybe altruism or the desire for their pain to have meaning made them want to share their mistake with others. There is learning in regret. When someone tells me about mushrooms they’ve eaten, I give them my audience.

  • Good soup takes time. Ingredients need to simmer to bring out their full potential. Meanwhile, other things can bubble, simmer, and sear on the stove. Soup requires patience, warmth, and measuring with your heart.